unveil plan 23.96   Bush had planned to unveil his plan last week.
  unveil proposal 5.92   Labour have just unveiled their proposals.
  unveil measure 2.96   Juppe was to unveil the measures later Monday.
  unveil plaque 2.70   He later unveiled a plaque outside the building.
  unveil series 1.91   It also unveiled a series of ethics training programs for judges.
  unveil package 1.84   The Democrats are to unveil their package Thursday.
  unveil detail 1.65   Today, they started unveiling the details.
  unveil statue 1.51   The statue was unveiled by the Queen.
  unveil budget 1.45   Government to unveil budget amid nuclear sanctions.
  unveil strategy 1.18   In Washington this week, Putin unveiled his strategy.
  unveil program 1.12   Singapore unveils program to aid Indonesia trade.
  unveil line 1.05   Seagate unveils new line of Medalist drives, NEW STRAITS TIMES-
  unveil product 1.05   Several companies unveiled new products.
  unveil bill 0.99   McCain cited concern over the readiness of American forces when he unveiled the bill.
  unveil monument 0.99   They were unveiling a monument, to be precise.
  unveil initiative 0.92   The initiative was unveiled by Prime Minister John Howard during a visit to New York.
  unveil agreement 0.86   A news conference to unveil the agreement was scheduled.
  unveil set 0.79   The set was unveiled, and gradually turned into a scintillating play of light.
  unveil prototype 0.72   Two British inventors unveiled a prototype of a new device Friday that could solve those problems.
  unveil version 0.72   Chrysler will unveil new versions of its minivans.
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