unscheduled meeting 3.36   ...an unscheduled meeting with Robin Cook.
  unscheduled stop 3.29   The ship made an unscheduled stop at Hawaii.
  unscheduled landing 2.90   Seven times the aircraft made unscheduled landings.
  unscheduled visit 1.45   One was an unscheduled visit to Cairo.
  unscheduled trip 0.86   Farland needed a credible reason for an unscheduled trip to the United States.
  unscheduled talk 0.79   The unscheduled talks were held in the Red Sea port city of Jiddah.
  unscheduled absence 0.72   For some people, unscheduled absences are an anomaly.
  unscheduled day 0.72   The unscheduled day off apparently did them good.
  unscheduled appearance 0.59   But then Gingrich made an unscheduled appearance and asked for the floor.
  unscheduled maintenance 0.46   But now, more of the older plants are developing problems that require unscheduled maintenance.
  unscheduled flight 0.39   All unscheduled flights were forbidden.
  unscheduled briefing 0.26   Aides to Schroeder hastily called an unscheduled briefing for early Friday, but the purpose of the session was unclear.
  unscheduled discussion 0.26   It was for the first time in the Bangladesh Parliament that an unscheduled discussion was allowed at a fixed hour.
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