unparalleled prosperity 1.32   We live in a time of unparalleled prosperity.
  unparalleled view 0.46   The open-air terrace affords unparalleled views of the Big Apple.
  unparalleled growth 0.39   Meanwhile, the mutual-fund industry continued its unparalleled growth.
  unparalleled opportunity 0.39   The second is an unparalleled opportunity to draw attention to the host city.
  unparalleled success 0.39   Shula leaves the sideline with unparalleled success.
  unparalleled level 0.33   In November foreign business confidence hit unparalleled high levels.
  unparalleled ability 0.26   Jackson, with his unparalleled ability to see a play before it develops.
  unparalleled access 0.26   Journalists are supposed to like him because he offers them free doughnuts and unparalleled access.
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