unleash wave 3.69   It unleashed a wave of violence across the West Bank and Gaza.
  unleash torrent 3.36   That unleashed a torrent of misfortune.
  unleash barrage 2.11   Instead, Pedro unleashed a barrage of insults and profanity.
  unleash storm 1.71   But it unleashed a storm of protest.
  unleash flood 1.65   Critics warn it could unleash a flood of litigation.
  unleash attack 1.32   Some surrogates need no prodding to unleash outrageous attacks.
  unleash series 1.32   That would unleash a series of financial crises.
  unleash flurry 1.25   Last year the government unleashed a flurry of such initiatives.
  unleash fury 1.12   The storm unleashed its fury.
  unleash force 1.05   We are unleashing our forces.
  unleash power 0.86   The Orioles later unleashed some power of their own.
  unleash missile 0.79   Villagers said Israeli jet fighters swooped down and unleashed four missiles.
  unleash war 0.72   It was Nirma who unleashed the war.
  unleash landslide 0.66   Heavy rains unleashed a landslide that tore through a remote village Sunday in central Iran.
  unleash airstrikes 0.59   Even before the United States unleashed its airstrikes, Bush had made clear that the mullah was a potential target.
  unleash anger 0.53   The settlers even have unleashed their anger at Israeli troops.
  unleash creativity 0.53   In one area you may unleash your creativity.
  unleash hail 0.53   The men unleashed a hail of gunfire and firebombs that set the bus ablaze.
  unleash protest 0.53   Dozens of troops took up position on the hill because of warnings the work would unleash Palestinian protests.
  unleash rocket 0.53   The area southeast of Tyre has been used by the guerrillas to unleash Katyusha rockets.
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