unilateral action 14.02   Like what kind of unilateral action?
  unilateral cease-fire 12.31   India has called off its unilateral cease-fire.
  unilateral sanction 7.24   Canada has announced unilateral sanctions.
  unilateral declaration 7.04   Jordan has been lukewarm to a unilateral Palestinian declaration.
  unilateral withdrawal 6.85   It is a unilateral Israeli withdrawal.
  unilateral ceasefire 4.81   It was Taylor who announced a unilateral ceasefire on Monday.
  unilateral decision 4.15   It cannot be a unilateral decision.
  unilateral move 3.36   Also, unilateral moves breed suspicions.
  unilateral step 2.83   He said unilateral steps will not change Iranian behavior.
  unilateral truce 1.78   On Monday Taylor announced a unilateral truce.
  unilateral measure 1.71   Japan says the American unilateral measure is inconsistent with the WTO rules.
  unilateral trade 1.58   During that trip, Castro blasted unilateral trade embargoes, such as the U.S. sanctions against his country.
  unilateral pullout 1.25   That is why a unilateral pullout, officials said, is impossible.
  unilateral disarmament 1.12   Few people are for unilateral disarmament.
  unilateral separation 1.05   The Cabinet discussed the unilateral separation plan.
  unilateral troop 1.05   Netanyahu opposes a unilateral troop withdrawal from south Lebanon.
  unilateral intervention 0.99   Chapter VII covers unilateral intervention -- as in the Gulf war.
  unilateral power 0.99   The second was to give him unilateral power to release confidential information.
  unilateral cut 0.86   Gore says unilateral cuts could upset the nuclear balance.
  unilateral act 0.72   There were many unilateral acts of precaution.
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