unfavorable weather 1.91   Unfavorable weather is likely to stall further development.
  unfavorable ruling 1.65   Giuliani clearly anticipated an unfavorable ruling.
  unfavorable currency 1.51   The company also complained of unfavorable currency exchange rates.
  unfavorable publicity 1.18   Litigation and unfavorable publicity also have chilled the market for the database.
  unfavorable market 0.99   Both firms cited unfavorable market conditions.
  unfavorable light 0.92   But that study did cast Valujet in an unfavorable light.
  unfavorable opinion 0.86   Sixteen percent had an unfavorable opinion.
  unfavorable comparison 0.79   Unfavorable comparisons are old hat to him by now.
  unfavorable condition 0.72   Unfavorable economic conditions dented profits in Turkey and the Gulf countries.
  unfavorable rating 0.59   His name recognition and unfavorable ratings have climbed in tandem.
  unfavorable report 0.59   Authorities are often intolerant of what they consider unfavorable reports.
  unfavorable view 0.59   By a ratio of almost two to one, voters had an unfavorable view of Gingrich.
  unfavorable wind 0.59   Then, unfavorable wind conditions kept the Snorri from making much progress.
  unfavorable decision 0.53   Microsoft has vowed to appeal any unfavorable decision.
  unfavorable image 0.53   Unfavorable images beyond the threat of terrorism also linger.
  unfavorable term 0.53   Alexander blamed unfavorable financing terms.
  unfavorable comment 0.46   But the weakness in technology stocks following unfavorable comments by analysts and the rise in bond rates threw the Dow in reverse.
  unfavorable news 0.46   Following unfavorable news reports, the Democrats returned the money.
  unfavorable court 0.39   The decision also came within days of two unfavorable court decisions for the gun industry.
  unfavorable currency-exchange 0.39   That was exacerbated by unfavorable currency-exchange rates.
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