undisclosed location 32.19   Shakur is at an undisclosed location.
  undisclosed amount 30.81   Both were settled for undisclosed amounts.
  undisclosed sum 18.76   Coty bought it for an undisclosed sum.
  undisclosed number 10.07   An undisclosed number were deported last month.
  undisclosed price 7.04   It is due later this year for an undisclosed price.
  undisclosed term 4.87   In the end, they settled on undisclosed terms.
  undisclosed destination 3.09   The bus left for an undisclosed destination.
  undisclosed illness 2.90   She has an undisclosed terminal illness.
  undisclosed reason 2.76   The team cited undisclosed personal reasons.
  undisclosed site 1.97   The Globe has obtained the previously undisclosed site list.
  undisclosed country 1.84   The vacation is to an undisclosed foreign country.
  undisclosed agency 1.71   The six-week review also included undisclosed agencies.
  undisclosed fee 1.71   An undisclosed fee was paid to the Russian space agency.
  undisclosed settlement 1.71   An undisclosed settlement was reached.
  undisclosed hospital 1.25   She was taken to an undisclosed hospital, treated and released.
  undisclosed draft 1.12   The Raiders officially traded Hobert to the Bills Monday for an undisclosed draft choice.
  undisclosed injury 1.12   Is he playing with undisclosed injuries?
  undisclosed ailment 0.99   For weeks, he has been coping with an undisclosed ailment.
  undisclosed quantity 0.99   An undisclosed quantity of weapons and other ammunition was found in his car.
  undisclosed cash 0.86   That dispute ended in an undisclosed cash settlement.
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