undertake project 6.78   Why is the project undertaken?
  undertake reform 4.74   Yes, we have to learn to undertake reforms.
  undertake study 4.41   In addition, two related studies are being undertaken.
  undertake effort 2.96   And publishers are undertaking numerous efforts to save costs.
  undertake work 2.96   The work is being undertaken by team of experts.
  undertake research 2.63   The center undertakes research into anti-cancer therapy.
  undertake task 2.37   Two Harvard researchers undertook the task.
  undertake investigation 2.24   Doe undertook an investigation, and Taylor heard about it.
  undertake action 1.91   But so far, they have failed to undertake concrete action.
  undertake review 1.91   The Legal Aid Board is undertaking this review.
  undertake activity 1.71   These activities shall be undertaken on a reciprocal basis.
  undertake operation 1.65   This operation was undertaken by British troops.
  undertake campaign 1.38   A major vaccination campaign was undertaken a week ago.
  undertake mission 1.25   It has a daredevil navy, and cadres undertaking suicide missions.
  undertake measure 1.18   It has undertaken these measures even as the economy was relatively stronger.
  undertake tour 1.05   He undertook lecture tours.
  undertake initiative 0.99   Several new initiatives have been undertaken during the year.
  undertake programme 0.86   Initially, at managerial level, an educational programme was undertaken by outside consultants.
  undertake trip 0.86   Undertake this trip advisedly, though.
  undertake construction 0.79   Construction would be undertaken by an unnamed Malaysian group.
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