undermine effort 15.67   Three factors have undermined efforts to boost coverage.
  undermine confidence 13.89   That could undermine confidence.
  undermine credibility 8.10   But it could undermine her credibility.
  undermine authority 7.64   It undermines authority.
  undermine government 4.67   They want to undermine the government.
  undermine support 4.28   Corruption has undermined support for the party among ordinary Chinese.
  undermine security 3.75   Arabs fear the deal undermines their security.
  undermine value 3.75   Muslims accused of undermining Dutch values.
  undermine yen 3.36   The low rates has undermined the yen across the board.
  undermine dollar 3.23   That undermines the dollar.
  undermine stability 3.03   Sudden and infrequent changes of many inputs clearly undermine stability.
  undermine ability 2.83   That attitude, he said, undermines his ability to keep order inside the union.
  undermine claim 2.50   Another loss could undermine his claims to the party leadership.
  undermine democracy 2.11   Good upright people said failure to vote would undermine democracy.
  undermine position 2.04   But an emotional response only undermines your position.
  undermine control 1.84   Sun says both moves undermine its control of the language.
  undermine agreement 1.78   But Milosevic has a long record of undermining agreements.
  undermine negotiation 1.78   This bill will not undermine negotiations.
  undermine relation 1.78   War in the former Yugoslavia also undermines relations.
  undermine faith 1.71   It undermines faith in the system.
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