underestimate power 4.28   He underestimated their power.
  underestimate impact 2.63   IBM underestimated the impact of personal computers.
  underestimate importance 2.37   Do not underestimate the importance of aesthetics.
  underestimate number 2.24   But the data underestimates the number of girls involved in household work.
  underestimate cost 2.04   The city underestimated the cost of the new building.
  underestimate demand 1.45   The totals suggest that global demand has been underestimated.
  underestimate value 1.45   Never underestimate the value of pitching.
  underestimate risk 1.38   Chinese adults severely underestimate smoking risks, he said.
  underestimate difficulty 1.25   She underestimated the difficulty of saving so much money.
  underestimate effect 1.25   By a similar argument, P underestimates the effect.
  underestimate opponent 1.12   We never underestimate the opponents.
  underestimate strength 1.05   Johnson underestimated the strength of public feeling against the war.
  underestimate amount 0.99   Do not underestimate the amount of water you need to carry and drink.
  underestimate problem 0.92   I think we have underestimated the problem.
  underestimate ability 0.79   But never underestimate our ability to make a leap.
  underestimate danger 0.72   Doctors, too, underestimate the danger.
  underestimate size 0.72   The firm underestimated the size of the market for their new product.
  underestimate determination 0.66   It also acknowledges that Suchinda underestimated the determination of the demonstrators.
  underestimate complexity 0.59   But I underestimated the complexity of the whole affair.
  underestimate extent 0.59   In fact, the Labour Force Survey underestimates the extent of this discrimination.
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