uncertainty about 51.81   -- uncertainty about taxes is back with a vengeance.
  uncertainty over 39.04   It blames in part uncertainty over European Monetary Union.
  uncertainty in 26.86   It is a time of maddening uncertainty in Serbia.
  uncertainty of 22.32   Barton Faist is sick of the uncertainty of it all.
  uncertainty for 5.53   Uncertainty ahead for France.
  uncertainty as 4.48   There may be uncertainty as to guilt.
  uncertainty on 3.88   There is little uncertainty on the fence line.
  uncertainty among 3.49   This led to uncertainty among local retail investors.
  uncertainty to 2.70   But there is added uncertainty to this market reopening.
  uncertainty at 2.17   But the uncertainty at the top is unsettling.
  uncertainty by 1.38   Over the weekend, North Korea added to the global uncertainty by firing a missile that traveled over Japan.
  uncertainty into 1.25   That was enough to throw some uncertainty into the House equation.
  uncertainty with 1.12   We all know there are some uncertainties with our jobs.
  uncertainty after 0.86   The uncertainty after Pearl Harbor bred anxiety that at times looks almost silly in hindsight.
  uncertainty from 0.66   The Socialists, too, face uncertainty from two Trotskyite splinter parties.
  uncertainty than 0.53   DeCamillis will lead his special teams crew into San Francisco with more uncertainty than normal.
  uncertainty because_of 0.39   He cited an unusual amount of uncertainty because of the continuing economic turmoil in Asia.
  uncertainty across 0.33   On the American side, there is uncertainty across the board.
  uncertainty around 0.33   Good to know, with so many uncertainties around the Spurs.
  uncertainty within 0.33   A looming recession in the West and political uncertainty within Yugoslavia have slowed disbursement.
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