uncertain future 26.86   Bad league, uncertain future.
  uncertain time 5.92   Time uncertain.
  uncertain fate 3.55   He also joked about his own uncertain fate.
  uncertain outlook 3.29   Burger is one of several players with uncertain outlooks.
  uncertain world 2.17   It provided ballast in an uncertain world.
  uncertain outcome 2.11   Outcome uncertain.
  uncertain prospect 1.97   Prospects uncertain.
  uncertain situation 1.97   The Bruins are facing an uncertain situation in Montreal.
  uncertain market 1.84   He enters an uncertain market.
  uncertain economy 1.71   Bordeaux madness is a thing of the past, thanks probably to the uncertain economy.
  uncertain status 1.32   Beyond his religious views, Wouk has an uncertain status as a writer.
  uncertain start 1.18   Benitez made an uncertain start.
  uncertain environment 1.12   We can add to this the uncertain environment in which Decision makers operate.
  uncertain result 0.92   Result uncertain.
  uncertain climate 0.72   Intel said the uncertain economic climate made it difficult to predict short-term demand.
  uncertain circumstance 0.59   A third man, Zenel Nela, also was killed in uncertain circumstances.
  uncertain job 0.59   Partly, the boom in direct selling is fueled by the uncertain job Market.
  uncertain origin 0.59   That there was a place called Seneca Village, a name of uncertain origin, is a recent discovery.
  uncertain state 0.59   Two events illustrate the current uncertain state of deregulation.
  uncertain weather 0.59   Soybeans were mixed on news of uncertain weather conditions in Brazil.
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