unarmed civilian 9.02   The victims are often unarmed civilians.
  unarmed man 8.56   They killed an unarmed man.
  unarmed observer 5.27   But, unarmed observers?
  unarmed police 3.49   Unarmed police watched over both rallies.
  unarmed villager 2.30   Observers say the dead were unarmed villagers.
  unarmed monitor 2.17   They said unarmed monitors will do them no good.
  unarmed immigrant 1.91   Amadou Diallo, an unarmed immigrant from Guinea, gunned down by police officers in the Bronx.
  unarmed demonstrator 1.71   He said four unarmed demonstrators were arrested.
  unarmed guard 1.71   One of those killed was an unarmed Parliament guard.
  unarmed people 1.45   Troops killed hundreds of unarmed people.
  unarmed soldier 1.18   Most of its victims were civilians and unarmed Chinese soldiers.
  unarmed protester 1.12   The military killed thousands of unarmed protesters.
  unarmed suspect 1.12   The unarmed suspects were taken to Camp Bondsteel, the U.S. base, for questioning.
  unarmed plane 1.05   The unarmed plane flew very fast and very high.
  unarmed force 0.92   Pursue unarmed forces to retrieve military equipment.
  unarmed policeman 0.92   But they were worried about the danger to unarmed policemen.
  unarmed mission 0.72   U.S. officials say it was on an unarmed training mission.
  unarmed rebel 0.72   Unarmed rebels in uniform and civilian clothes mingled with them.
  unarmed aircraft 0.66   Ashton said the two planes were unarmed training aircraft and were not fitted with armaments.
  unarmed officer 0.66   The unarmed U.N. officers are limited to an advisory role.
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