truth be 152.40   The truth is more prosaic.
  truth come 5.13   The truth came out.
  truth lie 3.49   Where does the truth lie?
  truth emerge 2.11   Eventually the truth emerged.
  truth hurt 2.11   Truth hurts.
  truth have 1.38   The truth would have to wait.
  truth become 1.25   And the truth finally became clear.
  truth seem 0.92   The truth seems a bit murkier.
  truth remain 0.86   Except at Baram, where old truths remain truths.
  truth set 0.86   The truth sets no one free.
  truth prevail 0.59   The truth will prevail.
  truth acknowledge 0.53   It is a truth universally acknowledged on Wall Street that original research is on life support.
  truth out 0.53   But the truth will out.
  truth make 0.46   And the truth will make us free.
  truth tell 0.46   Told the truth.
  truth get 0.39   I mean, telling the truth could get you in trouble.
  truth go 0.39   The truth is going to come out someday.
  truth matter 0.39   Truth matters.
  truth appear 0.33   The truth appears to be more prosaic.
  truth begin 0.33   The truth is beginning to stop the lies.
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