troubled region 16.26   Can anything bring peace to this troubled region?
  troubled company 15.54   But behind the accolades is a troubled company.
  troubled province 15.01   One killed in bomb blast in troubled province.
  troubled economy 11.45   He also blamed a more troubled economy.
  troubled bank 10.93   Troubled French banks have lately piqued his interest.
  troubled country 10.34   We want to help these troubled countries.
  troubled state 9.22   Rights observers head to troubled state.
  troubled nation 5.99   The IMF acts as a lender of last resort to troubled nations.
  troubled territory 5.92   Hundreds of Muslims fled from the troubled territory.
  troubled youth 5.33   She had a troubled youth.
  troubled child 5.20   Rated PG for troubled child theme.
  troubled area 5.00   The Balkan region always has been a troubled area.
  troubled history 4.54   It suffered a troubled history.
  troubled family 4.08   Please, say a prayer for this troubled family.
  troubled life 3.88   Darger himself had a troubled life.
  troubled institution 3.75   A state bank took over the troubled institution, ending the crisis.
  troubled airline 3.55   Troubled African airline struggles to stay aloft.
  troubled water 3.16   A bridge over troubled waters?
  troubled marriage 2.83   He says he is at peace since a troubled marriage dissolved.
  troubled relationship 2.83   Troubled relationships.
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