triple axel 11.72   Can Ito do the triple axel?
  triple lutz 7.31   She was landing the triple lutz.
  triple flip 5.00   He staggered out of his triple flip.
  triple bogey 4.02   He took triple bogey.
  triple bypass 3.75   He had a triple bypass.
  triple damage 3.29   It also seeks triple damages from each company.
  triple digit 3.29   Inflation may reach triple digits.
  triple toe 2.90   The Russians and Germans were doing triple toes.
  triple champion 2.83   Triple champions Germany clash with Mexico or the Uinted States.
  triple loop 2.76   His only error was when he had to put a hand down on a triple loop.
  triple jumper 2.50   Triple jumper Edwards set a new world record.
  triple lutz-double 2.44   She made her triple lutz-double toe loop combination look easy.
  triple salchow 2.37   Ina slipped after the throw triple salchow.
  triple murder 1.84   It was a triple murder.
  triple world 1.65   Todorov was a triple world and European champion while representing Bulgaria.
  triple overtime 1.58   Triple overtime.
  triple witching 1.51   Triple witching in the best of times can lead to sharp declines.
  triple therapy 1.45   One group continued on the triple therapy.
  triple medalist 1.32   Two more became triple gold medalists.
  triple combination 0.99   When that happened, she said, they were urged to resume the triple combination.
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