trend in 80.45   And he sees an upward trend in that category.
  trend of 54.44   ...a spiralling trend of violence.
  trend toward 43.65   And part of a growing trend toward extranets.
  trend for 16.92   But the trend for many years has been up.
  trend among 8.62   Do we see a trend among these players?
  trend to 7.64   Sounds like a trend to me.
  trend towards 7.11   ...a trend towards part-time employment.
  trend by 6.78   The writers continued a trend by electing Schmidt.
  trend on 6.71   Corn followed trends on other markets.
  trend with 4.28   But this is a retail trend with a long history.
  trend as 3.55   Powers sees the trend as natural.
  trend at 3.42   We bucked the trend at Vanity Fair.
  trend from 2.96   It will also echo trends from the rest of the world.
  trend over 1.78   The information should show trends over time.
  trend against 1.51   The protracted losing trend against rival San Antonio?
  trend across 1.25   Such action would echo a long-occurring trend across the Atlantic.
  trend since 1.12   That has been the trend since mid-summer.
  trend throughout 1.05   This mirrors a trend throughout New England.
  trend after 0.92   That would continue the current trend after Clyde Drexler was hired as the UH basketball coach.
  trend during 0.92   But it is the trend during Ramadan.
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