treatment plant 27.19   Juarez has no sewage treatment plant.
  treatment program 25.61   And the woman has so far resisted treatment programs.
  treatment center 21.33   Many addicts refuse to go to treatment centers.
  treatment facility 9.41   Ayutthaya lacks a modern waste treatment facility.
  treatment option 7.70   So what are the treatment options?
  treatment plan 4.54   There were no treatment plans.
  treatment system 3.49   There are several types of sewage treatment systems.
  treatment group 2.96   Improvements were seen in both treatment groups.
  treatment room 2.63   The treatment rooms lead off from the swimming pool.
  treatment decision 2.57   -- Make medical treatment decisions for partners.
  treatment cost 2.37   Treatment costs can be a barrier.
  treatment regimen 2.37   The virus has no vaccine or drug treatment regimens.
  treatment centre 1.65   He has checked into an alcohol treatment centre.
  treatment guideline 1.65   HMOs insist on rigid treatment guidelines.
  treatment works 1.65   Sewage treatment works do not remove radioactivity.
  treatment method 1.38   Some interesting hair treatment methods can be found all over the world.
  treatment strategy 1.18   Some doctors are not up-to-date on treatment strategies.
  treatment company 1.12   Take Rollins, a waste treatment company based in Wilmington, Del.
  treatment approach 1.05   A new treatment approach that targets T cells is effective.
  treatment failure 1.05   In the PEN group, there were three treatment failures.
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