treated water 2.96   While raw water is free, treated water is not.
  treated patient 1.65   Successfully treated patients are true believers.
  treated wood 1.38   Ask for a safe handling sheet when you buy treated wood.
  treated lumber 1.25   Plywood and treated lumber are similarly suspect.
  treated sewage 0.99   Coastal cities would find it easier to release lightly treated sewage into the ocean.
  treated group 0.72   The treated group also had lower blood sugar levels, on average, after a year.
  treated wastewater 0.72   Ponds will be filled with treated wastewater, which will trickle down and recharge the aquifer.
  treated area 0.66   Drags in the treated area picked up one to two ticks.
  treated cell 0.53   The treated human cells grew normally with no evidence of HPV infection.
  treated rat 0.53   Ruda said the treated rats reacted to the heat about twice as fast as the control rats.
  treated eye 0.46   The dogs also seemed to be using the treated eye to look around, Bennett said.
  treated animal 0.39   A handful of the treated animals died.
  treated milk 0.39   During the second week, they got regular milk slightly sweetened to taste like the treated milk.
  treated paper 0.33   Made of specially treated paper, the pans come in all shapes, including tubes and muffins.
  treated disease 0.26   Firstly, intestinal permeability could be primarily abnormal in treated coeliac disease subjects.
  treated mouse 0.26   But Morgan noted that his treated mice still had a lot of plaques.
  treated waste 0.26   In some areas, the stench of treated human waste was in the air.
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