treasury price 16.19   Treasury prices fell.
  treasury secretary 13.23   Francisco Gil Diaz, treasury secretary.
  treasury bill 11.98   Treasury bills are the winners.
  treasury bond 10.01   Treasury bonds were up.
  treasury official 8.89   Treasury officials would not comment.
  treasury security 6.12   Treasury securities also rallied.
  treasury minister 2.83   His record as treasury minister was not unblemished.
  treasury department 1.58   Tax specialists in Congress and the treasury department do not take issue with the analysis.
  treasury spokesman 1.32   Treasury spokesman Dwight Robson declined to comment on the bidding process.
  treasury yield 1.32   Treasury yields were little changed after the report.
  treasury chief 1.25   Treasury chief shakes financial institutions again.
  treasury note 1.05   Yields on treasury notes fell when the Fed cut interest rates.
  treasury operation 0.79   It also intended to close down treasury operations at Allfirst and centralize them in Dublin.
  treasury stock 0.72   This is the seventh time that Bankinter has canceled treasury stock.
  treasury auction 0.66   Swedish bonds led the way as a treasury auction attracted unusually substantial investor interest.
  treasury debt 0.59   Imports dropped sharply after the government devalued the ruble and defaulted on treasury debts in August.
  treasury bench 0.53   The treasury bench was given more time at the cost of the opposition.
  treasury ministry 0.53   The Italian treasury ministry will supply the rest next year.
  treasury activity 0.46   The bank has built a new trading center in Munich to handle its treasury activities.
  treasury market 0.46   He stressed the need to resuscitate the treasury market.
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