transmit virus 12.38   How was the virus transmitted?
  transmit disease 10.40   --Fewer sexually transmitted diseases.
  transmit datum 10.34   Data is transmitted electronically.
  transmit information 9.02   Modern satellites transmit information directly.
  transmit signal 7.37   The signals are transmitted via satellites.
  transmit message 4.74   They may also transmit messages by computer.
  transmit image 3.55   Burke transmitted explicit images twice in January, the complaint said.
  transmit picture 2.57   Digital technology can transmit sharper pictures.
  transmit infection 1.25   The viral infection is transmitted by mosquitoes.
  transmit program 1.25   The programs were transmitted instantaneously to millions.
  transmit bacterium 1.18   Plague comes from the bites of fleas that transmit bacteria from rodents.
  transmit photo 0.99   The cameras transmit photos to U.N. offices in Baghdad.
  transmit video 0.99   The network also will be able to transmit high-speed video, the company said.
  transmit power 0.92   A flexible shaft transmits the power from the engine to the auger.
  transmit call 0.86   The boxes transmit calls round the network via conventional phone lines.
  transmit electricity 0.86   The electricity will be transmitted by undersea cables.
  transmit malaria 0.79   Malaria is transmitted by mosquitoes.
  transmit material 0.72   Congress is debating a proposal that would make it illegal to transmit indecent material on the Internet.
  transmit report 0.72   But whenever news reports are transmitted from Seoul, I think of his kindnesses.
  transmit sound 0.72   There are two openings for transmitting the sound.
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