translate word 3.49   It translates your words.
  translate book 2.44   Her resolve to have the book translated grew.
  translate remark 1.51   His remarks were translated into English.
  translate document 1.45   But translating a document into deeds might not be so easy.
  translate works 1.45   Xu translated the works of Albert Einstein into Chinese.
  translate idea 1.38   Artists translate their ideas into visual images.
  translate information 1.38   He translates technical information well to students.
  translate text 1.18   Basically, it translates text.
  translate comment 1.05   His comments were translated from Spanish to Arabic.
  translate language 0.99   Computers translate six languages as people speak.
  translate proceeding 0.99   The proceedings were translated by an interpreter.
  translate datum 0.86   This data is translated into a signal that controls motors in the fake eye.
  translate speech 0.86   His speech was translated into Bengali, Urdu and English.
  translate currency 0.79   The rising dollar means less revenue when the overseas currencies are translated into dollars.
  translate letter 0.79   The FBI indicated that it plans to translate the letter.
  translate message 0.79   He translates their message to his mother, then gives them her reply.
  translate work 0.79   He also translated work by Rimbaud and Sartre.
  translate name 0.72   Jeff asked, translating the name in his excitement.
  translate sound 0.66   Translating the sounds back into text is vital, not only to those in the courtroom.
  translate question 0.53   His daughter translates the question into Italian.
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