transit point 24.49   An easy transit point, it might be said.
  transit official 14.22   In Dallas, transit officials regrouped.
  transit system 11.65   The transit system got them gates on lockdown.
  transit route 8.76   Western Ukraine has become a drug transit route.
  transit camp 6.32   The hideous transit camps are emptying.
  transit worker 6.06   Los Angeles transit workers vote to end strike.
  transit authority 4.08   The transit authority said the strike was illegal.
  transit time 3.95   Patients had significantly longer transit times.
  transit visa 3.62   Transit visas will be issued at the airport.
  transit agency 3.49   He talks about his plans for the transit agency.
  transit country 2.96   Cambodia is described as a drug transit country.
  transit police 2.76   Transit police took the man into custody.
  transit officer 2.11   The transit officers are now members of the PBA.
  transit strike 2.11   Transit strike tests patience.
  transit center 1.84   They were taken to an Interior Ministry transit center in the suburbs.
  transit fee 1.78   Knowles decried any thought of Canada resuming the transit fee.
  transit bus 1.45   And then there are the city transit buses.
  transit project 1.45   Alas, complexity infuses transit projects.
  transit centre 1.25   Only one returnee turned up Friday at the Gatumba transit centre near Bujumbura, Mise said.
  transit area 1.18   So Abdul-Aziz stays in the transit area.
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