trader say 414.03   Another increase is expected, traders said.
  trader be 43.58   Bond traders are also in a bind.
  trader expect 38.05   Few traders expect it to change interest rates.
  trader await 22.58   Crude oil traders awaited further news about Nigerian exports.
  trader take 13.63   Day traders can take heart, though.
  trader buy 10.99   In response, traders bought dollars and sold marks and yen.
  trader sell 10.66   Traders also sold yen for Swiss francs.
  trader speculate 10.27   Traders speculate those will be metals and energy.
  trader look 7.97   Traders were looking to a ban to increase demand for U.S. soymeal.
  trader have 7.18   But traders have more to mull over.
  trader wait 7.11   Gold traders are waiting for that to happen.
  trader watch 6.52   Traders will also watch hourly wages.
  trader anticipate 6.06   Traders had anticipated a larger increase.
  trader bet 5.53   And many traders are betting on it.
  trader attribute 5.46   Traders attributed selling to profit-taking.
  trader remain 5.27   Traders remain nervous.
  trader believe 5.00   But few currency traders believe that will happen.
  trader see 4.81   Traders saw little prospect of early recovery.
  trader fear 4.67   Traders feared the heat would damage young plants.
  trader react 4.21   Novice traders reacted strongly.
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