trade be 67.15   Trading was active.
  trade remain 11.26   Trading remains thin.
  trade resume 8.43   Trading resumes esday.
  trade begin 5.00   Trading should begin Tuesday.
  trade close 2.57   Trading also closed early Wednesday.
  trade end 2.04   The announcements came after trading ended.
  trade open 1.58   Trading finally opened in late afternoon.
  trade continue 1.25   Trading continued.
  trade slow 1.25   Trading slows almost every summer.
  trade start 0.86   Trading starts on Wednesday.
  trade become 0.53   Thus trading becomes less easy and sure.
  trade focus 0.46   Trading focused on smaller issues.
  trade have 0.46   Trading on youth has a built-in time limit, and novelty acts fade fast.
  trade take 0.46   Trading on LIFFE takes place as follows.
  trade appear 0.39   Trading Friday appeared company-specific.
  trade pick_up 0.39   Granted, trading is picking up slowly.
  trade lack 0.33   Trading also lacked leads with US markets closed Monday for a public holiday, they added.
  trade reflect 0.33   Trading still reflected the skepticism that has pressured Wall Street since early April.
  trade stop 0.33   Trading stopped due to a lack of sellers.
  trade turn 0.33   Trading could turn volatile later in the session, traders said.
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