trade in 207.90   She mostly trades in stocks.
  trade to 79.59   He was traded to the Yankees.
  trade of 21.53   Earlier, trading of the stock was halted.
  trade from 14.55   He was traded from the Giants to the Yankees.
  trade as 13.82   Furs were once traded as currency.
  trade after 8.95   But I got traded after two years.
  trade by 7.44   Traded by the Packers.
  trade under 6.52   They now trade under TPD.
  trade within 5.00   All were traded within a year.
  trade below 4.74   All are trading below their sale price.
  trade between 4.48   Trading between the two countries is not a light task.
  trade during 4.02   The shares would trade during regular NYSE hours.
  trade before 3.82   One options contract traded before this week.
  trade through 3.55   Shares can be traded through discount brokers.
  trade off 3.49   Veteran players traded off?
  trade over 3.36   He was traded over to the Yankees.
  trade against 2.90   We were trading against the crash.
  trade amid 2.76   CAM International led trading amid rumours that it was to take over another company.
  trade like 2.57   Closed-end funds trade like stocks on exchanges.
  trade above 2.50   Webvan is trading above a dollar.
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