track movement 8.10   Track currency movements, too.
  track performance 6.19   Thomas knows his performance will be tracked closely.
  track stock 5.46   Both indexes track larger stocks.
  track progress 4.94   So we get to track the progress of these two romances.
  track system 3.88   A foreign student tracking system.
  track sale 3.55   Each list tracks sales at different bookstores.
  track number 3.49   And track the number of unopened e-mails.
  track people 3.29   Now, people could be tracked by a satellite.
  track trend 2.63   Tracking makeup trends can be bewildering.
  track suspect 2.37   FBI officials tracked suspects around the world.
  track decline 2.17   Other European markets tracked the declines.
  track activity 1.84   J., company that tracks corporatefinance activity.
  track device 1.84   Tracking Devices Next came tracking devices.
  track gain 1.84   Stocks tracked the gains made by bonds.
  track terrorist 1.84   They track terrorists down.
  track flow 1.78   Other companies that track fund flows also have seen a slowing.
  track missile 1.71   The missile was tracked by U.S. satellites.
  track case 1.65   Allison agreed that tracking such cases would be useful.
  track plane 1.65   The transponder allows air controllers to track a plane.
  track student 1.65   The state for the first time can now track those students.
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