trace origin 6.45   Others trace its origins to Little Italy.
  trace root 6.45   Most Taiwanese can trace their roots to China.
  trace call 5.60   The call was subsequently traced.
  trace history 4.15   The lots trace the history of English silver.
  trace source 4.02   Is there any way I can trace the sources?
  trace problem 2.96   I can trace this problem to its source.
  trace money 2.11   He traced the money to an offshore investment company.
  trace gun 2.04   Most guns are never traced.
  trace path 2.04   My finger traces a path down to the peninsula of Grand Isle.
  trace ancestry 1.91   Most Taiwanese trace their ancestry to China.
  trace line 1.91   And I began tracing the lines of his face.
  trace evolution 1.78   Gerard found it difficult to trace the evolution.
  trace lineage 1.71   All Somalis can trace their lineage through six clans.
  trace outbreak 1.65   The outbreak has been traced to a tainted fruit juice.
  trace e-mail 1.58   The defendants were arrested after authorities traced the e-mails.
  trace owner 1.58   Customs are trying to trace the owners of the lorries.
  trace pattern 1.58   But he sat on the stump, tracing patterns in the earth.
  trace development 1.51   It will also trace the development of the clone.
  trace outline 1.51   She traced the outline of his lips with her fingers.
  trace route 1.51   It started raining harder as he slowly traced her route.
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