tower be 13.82   The north tower was on fire.
  tower collapse 6.98   Both towers collapsed.
  tower fall 3.75   The south tower had fallen.
  tower stand 2.76   The towers were left standing.
  tower have 2.17   But the towers have no markers.
  tower come 1.51   The tower comes down.
  tower say 1.32   Towers said.
  tower rise 0.99   New office towers are rising.
  tower remain 0.92   And the great tower remains unfinished.
  tower loom 0.59   Two other towers may soon loom over Times Square as well.
  tower provide 0.59   The historic tower once provided a vantage of three states.
  tower go 0.53   Even so, there are not many places a tower can go.
  tower house 0.53   Its central tower now houses a museum.
  tower make 0.53   These two towers make a frame of time as well as space.
  tower begin 0.46   The tower began with five beels.
  tower use 0.39   The World Trade Center towers used to be directly behind.
  tower become 0.33   Towers became slenderer and many had elegant spires set on them.
  tower continue 0.33   Tower continued.
  tower explode 0.33   The enemy tower explodes.
  tower give 0.33   A minute later the tower gave a wind shear alert.
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