total number 38.25   Yes that makes up to the total number of guns.
  total ban 19.82   A total ban is long overdue.
  total control 16.85   In total control.
  total cost 16.72   Total costs involved are low.
  total amount 15.80   Is the total amount payable?
  total withdrawal 10.40   Akashi urged total withdrawal.
  total value 8.62   Total value of acquisitions !
  total return 7.50   Total return is income plus growth.
  total loss 6.78   Not a total loss.
  total stranger 6.58   Total strangers.
  total collapse 5.60   It was a total collapse.
  total revenue 5.33   Revenue is total revenues.
  total sale 5.33   Total sales tripled.
  total lack 5.27   It showed a total lack of empathy.
  total offense 4.61   We ranked sixth in total offense.
  total package 4.34   He has the total package.
  total population 4.34   Israel has a total population of over five million.
  total income 4.15   Tax is paid as a percentage of total income.
  total investment 4.15   The total investment is expethe top.
  total defense 3.62   They lead in total defense.
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