token opposition 3.69   Kennedy faces only token opposition.
  token booth 2.83   Token booths become birthing rooms.
  token gesture 1.84   He denied making a token gesture.
  token clerk 1.12   His father was a subway token clerk.
  token presence 0.99   He was a success story in the white art world but also a token presence.
  token resistance 0.92   He put up only a token resistance.
  token amount 0.79   He soon stopped taking even that token amount.
  token effort 0.79   Nor was this a token effort.
  token sum 0.79   And the fine is at best a token sum.
  token appearance 0.72   Industry officials made little more than a token appearance.
  token fee 0.66   A token fee is charged for sterilization.
  token gift 0.59   A few will exchange token gifts.
  token number 0.59   Others took token numbers.
  token force 0.46   He said a token force might be allowed later.
  token position 0.46   In the past, disadvantaged groups were given token Cabinet positions.
  token contribution 0.33   He said some European nations had made only token contributions.
  token woman 0.33   That year, NASCAR had a token woman driver, Janet Guthrie.
  token challenge 0.26   Feinstein, bidding for a second full term, had just a token primary challenge.
  token offering 0.26   The water is not safe to drink, he said, so they should decline token offerings of thanks.
  token police 0.26   It has military and administrative control of the region although Sudan maintains a token police presence.
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