toasted almond 2.44   Sprinkle with toasted almonds.
  toasted bread 2.44   Garnish with toasted bread.
  toasted coconut 1.18   Sprinkle with toasted coconut.
  toasted sesame 1.12   Stir in the toasted sesame seeds.
  toasted nut 0.86   Add the toasted nuts and toss well.
  toasted pecan 0.86   For an extra layer of flavor, add toasted pecans.
  toasted baguette 0.66   Serve with toasted baguette slices.
  toasted pita 0.59   Accompany with toasted pita bread.
  toasted hazelnut 0.53   Combine Bibb lettuce or spinach with sliced mushrooms and toasted hazelnuts or walnuts.
  toasted slice 0.53   Serve on pasta or thin toasted slices of baguettes.
  toasted brioche 0.46   Garnish each plate with toasted brioche triangles.
  toasted bun 0.46   Place on toasted buns.
  toasted sandwich 0.46   ...a toasted sandwich.
  toasted tortilla 0.46   Garnish each bowl with toasted tortillas.
  toasted oak 0.39   Layers of violets, ripe blackberry and toasted oak.
  toasted bagel 0.33   Australian players devour toasted bagels.
  toasted country 0.33   Pour the broth over a chard of toasted country bread.
  toasted seed 0.33   Sprinkle the toasted pumpkin seeds over the arrangement.
  toasted sourdough 0.33   Serve with toasted sourdough bread.
  toasted walnut 0.33   Toasted walnuts make a good addition.
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