tilt toward 12.31   The barns tilted toward Bush and Gore.
  tilt to 3.82   The plane tilted to port.
  tilt in 2.04   The monitor tilts in all directions and swivels.
  tilt in_favor_of 2.04   It thought the balance tilted in favor of disallowing relief.
  tilt on 1.32   Its tower has a red hat tilted on top.
  tilt against 0.92   The contest is tilted against McCain in another way.
  tilt into 0.46   The world had been tilted into an unnatural orbit.
  tilt towards 0.39   India tilted towards the Soviet Union during the Cold War.
  tilt from 0.33   He tilted from side to side, indicating so-so.
  tilt with 0.33   I was beginning to believe I was tilting with windmills.
  tilt after 0.26   Six buildings collapsed or were dangerously tilting after the earthquake.
  tilt down 0.26   An adjustable steering wheel, tilted down, may allow you to sit farther back.
  tilt like 0.26   His eyes tilted up like a Tatar tribesman with a Cherokee ancestor.
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