tight in 7.77   Security was tight in the town.
  tight for 5.86   Security is tight for the event.
  tight at 5.73   Security is tight at the mall.
  tight with 5.73   Mariucci is tight with Favre.
  tight around 4.28   Security was extremely tight around Castro.
  tight as 3.88   The episode is as tight as ever.
  tight on 2.63   Security tight on dissent.
  tight to 2.30   Hold on tight to your AC adapter.
  tight against 1.38   How can I keep the gutter tight against the fascia?
  tight throughout 1.32   The game was tight throughout.
  tight during 0.99   Security was tight during her visit.
  tight because_of 0.86   Your pants are a little tight because of all the holiday feasting.
  tight between 0.46   The links are particularly tight between catalog and Internet.
  tight until 0.46   Everything was pretty tight until then.
  tight across 0.39   Way too tight across the stomach.
  tight after 0.39   He felt a bit tight after today and has also been doing a lot of training.
  tight by 0.39   Security was not unusually tight by nightfall.
  tight amid 0.33   Security was tight amid fears of terrorist attacks.
  tight outside 0.33   Security was also tight outside the courthouse.
  tight over 0.33   No wonder Lowe pulled his cap down tight over his eyes after being removed.
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