tibetan leader 13.17   Tibetan leader heads to U.S. midwest.
  tibetan independence 4.41   Beijing, like Taipei, opposes Tibetan independence.
  tibetan exile 3.55   The Tibetan exiles accuse China of occupying their country.
  tibetan culture 3.23   Despite this, Tibetan culture was severely threatened, he said.
  tibetan monk 2.76   A Tibetan monk looking for asylum.
  tibetan refugee 2.50   We try to employ as many Tibetan refugees as possible.
  tibetan government-in-exile 2.17   The Dalai Lama heads the Tibetan government-in-exile in India.
  tibetan capital 2.11   Bombing in Tibetan capital injures five, group reports.
  tibetan cause 1.38   Demonstrators also supported the Tibetan cause.
  tibetan people 1.25   It denies carrying out any suppression of the Tibetan people.
  tibetan woman 1.25   Many Tibetan women work as nannies.
  tibetan government 1.12   Since then the Tibetan government in exile has lived in northern India.
  tibetan official 1.12   Tibetan officials could not be reached for comment Saturday.
  tibetan autonomy 1.05   Since then he has headed a government in exile fighting for Tibetan autonomy.
  tibetan plateau 1.05   They are in neighboring provinces that include large areas of the vast Tibetan plateau.
  tibetan group 0.99   It has banned Tibetan groups here from attacking China.
  tibetan flag 0.92   Would a foreign tourist be arrested for protesting with a Tibetan flag?
  tibetan issue 0.92   The Dalai Lama urged New Delhi to act as mediator to help solve the Tibetan issue.
  tibetan monastery 0.92   During the Cultural Revolution, thousands of Tibetan monasteries were destroyed.
  tibetan community 0.86   Other protests were held in Bombay and in Tibetan communities around India.
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