threaten action 26.33   He has threatened legal action.
  threaten sanction 16.66   Yet more sanctions are threatened.
  threaten life 14.68   It may threaten her life.
  threaten security 14.29   Maybe you feel your security is threatened.
  threaten stability 11.06   But runaway price increases also threaten stability.
  threaten retaliation 10.47   Hamas threatened retaliation.
  threaten strike 10.34   Plantation workers threaten strike.
  threaten attack 9.81   The group threatened more attacks.
  threaten veto 7.37   The White House threatened a veto.
  threaten violence 7.11   Further violence has been threatened.
  threaten job 5.13   Fassel threatened some jobs.
  threaten safety 5.00   Nor did it threatened employee safety.
  threaten survival 4.61   Yet man threatens their survival.
  threaten livelihood 4.54   But many quota holders say the change threatens their livelihood.
  threaten peace 4.41   The question once again threatens the peace.
  threaten boycott 4.15   Bosnian Muslim parties threaten a boycott.
  threaten future 4.08   Is osteoporosis threatening your future?
  threaten airstrikes 3.69   NATO has threatened airstrikes.
  threaten health 3.69   The haze threatened the health of millions and drove tourists away.
  threaten suicide 3.55   He came home and threatened suicide.
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