thread way 3.75   They had to thread their way through the crowd.
  thread pass 2.63   Leetch threaded his pass through the crease.
  thread needle 1.71   Eleanor threaded the needle.
  thread ball 1.18   First, Davis threaded the ball to Jelani McCoy for a layup.
  thread catheter 0.92   In angioplasty, a balloon-tip catheter is threaded into the artery to open it.
  thread wire 0.59   Thread the wires through the base cap and secure it on the lamp.
  thread tube 0.46   During the procedure, surgeons threaded a tube from his groin to his heart.
  thread lead 0.26   Leads are threaded through a vein into the heart.
  thread meat 0.26   Thread the meats on skewers.
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