theoretical physicist 1.78   Theoretical physicists may read that and nod knowingly.
  theoretical physics 1.65   Doing theoretical physics is usually a two-step process.
  theoretical framework 1.58   This theoretical framework clearly has a strong historical dimension.
  theoretical possibility 1.58   This is not just a theoretical possibility.
  theoretical work 1.32   The three professors won the prize for their theoretical work.
  theoretical model 1.18   Ways that are not predictable from a theoretical model, or concept.
  theoretical concept 1.12   Those are theoretical concepts.
  theoretical discussion 1.05   The theoretical discussion had real implications sooner than they expected.
  theoretical problem 0.99   There is, however, a theoretical problem.
  theoretical issue 0.92   This is not just a theoretical issue.
  theoretical approach 0.86   We have concentrated in this chapter on theoretical approaches to the demand for sport.
  theoretical argument 0.79   For Disney, this is more than just a theoretical argument.
  theoretical basis 0.79   Strictly on a theoretical basis, of course.
  theoretical foundation 0.72   Moreover, as Patinkin has shown, its theoretical foundations are questionable.
  theoretical analysis 0.66   But what of a theoretical analysis of how these structures intersect?
  theoretical debate 0.66   Shortly, we shall examine the theoretical debates within this school.
  theoretical perspective 0.66   For the time being, we move on to the second of our theoretical perspectives, the ethogenic approach.
  theoretical risk 0.66   Ottawa announced a ban on Brazilian beef last week, citing a theoretical risk of mad-cow contamination.
  theoretical idea 0.59   Side by side, teacher and pupil should test and render practical any theoretical ideas that were presented.
  theoretical underpinning 0.59   These assumptions have some theoretical underpinnings.
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