tent city 13.10   They have set up a tent city nearby.
  tent camp 8.03   Others could go to the tent camp.
  tent revival 1.45   A tent revival?
  tent pole 1.25   I just want to hold up my tent pole.
  tent encampment 0.92   Around her, coughs punctuate the cries that rise over the tent encampment.
  tent flap 0.86   She unzipped the tent flap.
  tent show 0.72   He knew tent shows.
  tent hospital 0.66   Wounded soldiers are flown to the make-shift tent hospitals a few miles inside Turkey from this border post.
  tent village 0.66   It began as a small tent village for a few hundred soldiers.
  tent party 0.53   Popular tent parties can quickly become death traps.
  tent dress 0.39   The hourglass figure needs to avoid tent dresses and styles without shape.
  tent stake 0.39   Others drove tent stakes into their limbs.
  tent site 0.33   Tent sites also are available.
  tent space 0.33   Instead, three tent show spaces will be erected.
  tent wall 0.33   On the tent wall behind him was a painting depicting a dead man being mourned by relatives.
  tent canopy 0.26   Two large tent canopies provide shade.
  tent community 0.26   Tent communities have sprung up in Kifisia, Metamorfosi and other northern neighborhoods, where the quake struck most strongly.
  tent dweller 0.26   We were the lowly tent dwellers.
  tent floor 0.26   The boy lay on the tent floor motionless with post-infective diarrhea.
  tent meeting 0.26   I remember tent meetings were big events.
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