telecom company 12.77   Brazil auctioning off telecom company.
  telecom sector 4.87   The telecoms sector was awash with layoffs Thursday.
  telecom stock 4.21   Telecom stocks also suffered.
  telecom firm 3.95   Other telecoms firms also suffered.
  telecom market 3.88   And anybody trying to sell into the telecom market is, well, doomed.
  telecom operator 3.62   Buying into telecom operators is not new for Motorola.
  telecom industry 3.16   --A debt-strapped telecom industry.
  telecom giant 2.63   Telecom giant will be split up.
  telecom service 2.63   Ordering telecom services online is the next wave, industry analysts say.
  telecom carrier 1.78   Telecoms carriers and trading houses were also lower.
  telecom share 1.71   Telecoms shares gained.
  telecom equipment 1.58   French telecoms equipment giant Alcatel announces China expansion,
  telecom group 1.51   The telecoms group attempted to shrug off the bad news.
  telecom analyst 1.45   Gartner Group telecom analyst Ken McGee agreed.
  telecom maker 1.45   The Canadian telecom equipment maker declined on worries about a revenue shortfall.
  telecom bill 1.32   The telecom bill does not go this extra step.
  telecom provider 1.25   Telecom service providers.
  telecom issue 0.99   Telecoms issues were also on sale.
  telecom business 0.79   The telecom business is a mess.
  telecom deal 0.72   Trade envoys head toward compromise on telecom deal.
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