teenage girl 18.04   Teenage girls lose.
  teenage boy 11.65   He was a teenage boy.
  teenage son 6.45   We have two teenage sons.
  teenage daughter 5.33   They have two teenage daughters.
  teenage pregnancy 4.02   The high rate of teenage pregnancy disturbs me a great deal.
  teenage year 3.42   Please, spare me the teenage years.
  teenage smoking 2.57   Teenage smoking offends me.
  teenage child 2.50   They have three teenage children.
  teenage mother 2.11   Teenage mothers.
  teenage suicide 1.25   It is presently enduring the horror of teenage suicide and rising drug usage.
  teenage sensation 1.18   The resurgent Australians have teenage sensation Ian Thorpe.
  teenage student 0.86   The mother of a teenage student had accused him of a sexual encounter with her son.
  teenage drug 0.79   He blamed the president for teenage drug use.
  teenage driver 0.66   Add a teenage driver onto your car insurance and your premium immediately triples!
  teenage male 0.59   And how do teenage males tend to behave?
  teenage brother 0.53   Rescuers were still searching for his mother, grandparents and two teenage brothers.
  teenage sex 0.53   An old high school boyfriend gallantly came forward to detail their teenage sex life.
  teenage sister 0.53   Teenage sisters having babies.
  teenage star 0.53   Rising teenage star Andrei Medvedev of the Ukraine agreed.
  teenage athlete 0.46   Specifically, laundering for child and teenage athletes.
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