teeming city 1.05   The shop remains one of only two fez makers in this teeming city.
  teeming street 0.92   The teeming streets of New York City.
  teeming refugee 0.72   The extremist Hutus later mingled with ordinary Hutus in the teeming refugee camps.
  teeming camp 0.59   He told them it would boost morale in the teeming camps and ease frustration among the refugees.
  teeming rain 0.46   She walked home through the teeming rain.
  teeming area 0.33   Despite its location, many people describe Pearl as a small town, rather than part of a teeming metropolitan area.
  teeming crowd 0.26   For months, I have been a bystander, opinionless among the teeming crowds running toward the defense or prosecution of President Clinton.
  teeming metropolis 0.26   An enterprising cobra on the lam could easily get lost in the bustle of a teeming metropolis like Stoneham.
  teeming port 0.26   Karachi, a teeming port city, has become increasingly chaotic and violent in recent months.
  teeming shore 0.26   The wretched refuse of your teeming shore,
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