technician be 5.79   The technician is out of ideas.
  technician have 2.70   Another technician had a spore on her face.
  technician work 2.63   Technicians are working to correct the error.
  technician say 2.44   The technician says no such luck.
  technician try 1.71   Technicians are now trying to restore the messages.
  technician install 1.25   The technicians installed bait devices around and in the museum.
  technician use 1.18   Technicians then use computers to manipulate the images.
  technician take 1.12   Technicians also take note of any clothing, jewelry or other artifacts found with the remains.
  technician make 0.99   Quiet, diligent technicians make poor heroes, it seems.
  technician tell 0.99   Not to worry, the computer technician told me.
  technician begin 0.86   If termites are detected, the technician begins phase two.
  technician check 0.86   Technicians were checking the plane Sunday night for a cause of the skid.
  technician find 0.79   But technicians virtually never find an unsafe level in the home.
  technician replace 0.79   Working at the launch pad, technicians replaced the balky valve over the weekend.
  technician come 0.66   Another technician came to his house.
  technician discover 0.66   During a final inspection, technicians discovered a loose bracket on the launch pad.
  technician examine 0.66   U.S. technicians had examined the plane and declared it airworthy.
  technician need 0.66   Given a tissue sample, technicians need an item of DNA against which to match it.
  technician remove 0.66   Crime scene technicians removed a pair of blue Nike running shoes and a box from one location.
  technician perform 0.53   Technicians performed the operation manually at the same time as the rest.
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