tear ligament 17.51   Two ligaments were torn.
  tear hole 3.62   I tore a hole in my new blouse.
  tear roof 3.62   High winds nearly tore the roof off the house.
  tear cartilage 2.83   One slip and he could tear a cartilage.
  tear tendon 2.70   At first she thought she had torn a tendon, but all her fingers worked.
  tear muscle 2.63   The inner muscle was not torn.
  tear clothes 2.50   Some tore their clothes.
  tear country 2.24   The country was torn by civil war.
  tear family 1.91   Families were torn.
  tear building 1.84   Eight major buildings had been torn apart.
  tear house 1.58   The house was torn down in June.
  tear hair 1.51   Others tore their hair out.
  tear hamstring 1.51   In the process, Davis tore his hamstring.
  tear heart 1.38   It tore her heart to see him go.
  tear page 1.32   Someone had torn several pages out of her diary.
  tear part 1.32   Then he tore part of the cartilage in his left knee.
  tear body 1.25   Her body had been torn apart by wolves.
  tear wall 1.25   Ronald Reagan tore down walls.
  tear shirt 1.05   His shirt was torn.
  tear paper 0.99   But paper can be torn up.
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