target civilian 15.67   He targets civilians, not soldiers.
  target area 5.86   The military denied targeting civilian areas.
  target people 5.53   Other lonely elderly people were also targeted.
  target child 4.61   Now their children are being targeted.
  target company 4.21   Foreign companies also are targeted.
  target group 3.75   The company also targets minority groups in its advertising.
  target minority 3.55   He denied that minorities were being targeted.
  target building 3.36   The building was targeted last Wednesday.
  target woman 3.36   Oxygen targets women.
  target foreigner 3.16   Four explosions target foreigners.
  target market 3.09   Specific markets are targeted.
  target customer 2.57   The advantage is that you target the customer.
  target village 2.50   But other villages had been targeted too, he said.
  target business 2.44   Teligent will target businesses in skyscrapers.
  target leader 2.44   Suspects say mosque leader was targeted.
  target vehicle 2.37   Thieves often target unprotected vehicles.
  target member 2.30   In a prepared statement, one targeted member, Sen.
  target plane 2.30   U.N. officials said the planes were deliberately targeted.
  target product 2.30   They have now targeted their products much more.
  target site 2.30   On Saturday, six sites were targeted.
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