tantalizing hint 1.58   But there are tantalizing hints.
  tantalizing clue 1.38   He gives us some tantalizing clues.
  tantalizing possibility 1.05   Dry lake beds offer the most tantalizing possibility of all.
  tantalizing glimpse 0.99   Getty Center reveals itself in tantalizing glimpses.
  tantalizing question 0.92   The tantalizing question was who.
  tantalizing prospect 0.66   Nader may be a tantalizing prospect for the disenchanted.
  tantalizing evidence 0.53   Last year, his group reported tantalizing evidence that he was right.
  tantalizing tidbit 0.46   He has yet to confirm that tantalizing tidbit.
  tantalizing opportunity 0.39   Tantalizing opportunities are missed.
  tantalizing mystery 0.33   They all help unravel the tantalizing mystery of the Hohokam.
  tantalizing detail 0.26   Still, Jackson provided class-action lawyers with some tantalizing details.
  tantalizing secret 0.26   There are no hidden pools of passion or wit, no tantalizing secrets lurking behind her blank, expressionless gaze.
  tantalizing sign 0.26   But, in passing, there are tantalizing signs of promise.
  tantalizing smell 0.26   It was the most tantalizing smell.
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