tank be 17.91   On the other is a tank.
  tank fire 11.92   Tanks also fired shells, the officials said.
  tank enter 7.04   Tanks entered Moscow.
  tank shell 6.91   An Israeli tank shelled an empty building.
  tank roll 6.78   Tanks rolled into Moscow.
  tank move 5.40   The Israeli tanks moved in, and so did bulldozers.
  tank explode 4.41   His tank exploded.
  tank rumble 4.34   Tanks occasionally rumbled past.
  tank back 3.75   Troops backed by tanks patrolled the area Monday.
  tank have 2.70   Tanks have their pluses.
  tank open 2.57   The Russian tanks opened fire.
  tank take 2.57   Tanks also took up positions in Salfit.
  tank drive 2.17   Palestinian doctors said tanks drove over the bodies.
  tank surround 1.97   Three other tanks were surrounding the house.
  tank remain 1.45   How the gas tank remained intact is still a mystery.
  tank begin 1.25   In Nablus, seven Israeli tanks began shelling the main local government complex.
  tank pull 1.25   The tanks pulled back about two weeks ago.
  tank come 0.99   A tank came down to the gate.
  tank leak 0.99   The water tank is leaking.
  tank leave 0.99   Tanks left about five hours later, witnesses said.
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