tank shell 17.45   He can also use tank shells.
  tank fire 11.72   Israeli tank fire also hit Tulkarem.
  tank commander 2.50   Both are tank commanders.
  tank round 2.50   At dusk, only the sporadic boom of Russian tank rounds could be heard.
  tank attack 2.30   Serb tank attacks on Bihac were reported Sunday.
  tank crew 1.78   But the tank crews refused to take directions from the director.
  tank tread 1.78   The rumble of tank treads is in the air.
  tank unit 1.58   She said all three were serving in a tank unit.
  tank car 1.51   GATX Corp. owned the tank car.
  tank column 1.45   Some reports said Palestinian gunman opened fire on the tank column.
  tank battle 1.32   Tank battles were reported nearby.
  tank dress 1.25   Think of the possibilities of a tank dress.
  tank cannon 1.05   A mortar shell shot from a tank cannon hit an open field.
  tank driver 1.05   Back then Louis was a tank driver in the U.S. Army.
  tank division 0.99   A U.S. tank division is part of the Corps.
  tank truck 0.99   The big tank truck was clearly out of place.
  tank movement 0.92   It said tank movements were bogged down outside the city.
  tank trap 0.92   The Gestapo prisoners had been forced to dig a tank trap against advancing Soviet forces.
  tank owner 0.79   Tank owners were asked to report any leaks and start costly cleanups.
  tank assault 0.72   An initial tank assault was repulsed with heavy losses.
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