tangled web 3.16   What a tangled web.
  tangled mass 1.25   But her bedroom was reduced to a tangled mass of insulation.
  tangled wreckage 1.12   All around lay tangled wreckage and debris.
  tangled mess 0.92   You will also have a tangled mess.
  tangled hair 0.72   Her tangled hair hid her face.
  tangled history 0.72   The case has a tangled history.
  tangled politics 0.53   The tangled politics of water can also interfere with business.
  tangled tale 0.53   The result is an intricately tangled tale.
  tangled debris 0.46   Rescue workers had to climb up through tangled debris.
  tangled issue 0.46   AIDS is a more tangled issue, however.
  tangled metal 0.46   Debris was scattered over a wide area around the tangled metal of the vehicle.
  tangled finance 0.39   Now, in times of tangled finances and a product line that went stale, Nissan is pushing for a comeback.
  tangled case 0.33   The tangled case has ensnared other people as well.
  tangled pile 0.33   Security guards peeled men from the tangled pile.
  tangled relationship 0.33   As with American shows, tangled relationships provide the grist.
  tangled dispute 0.26   The collection has prompted a four-year tangled dispute over his competence and control over his Fragonards, Bonnards and Fra Angelicos.
  tangled emotion 0.26   She winds up sublimating her tangled emotions into her music.
  tangled knot 0.26   Above the tangled knots of old fishing-nets, still supported by their floats, always hovered seabirds, waiting for a meal.
  tangled plot 0.26   All three work much better than the deliberately tangled plot.
  tangled root 0.26   The mystique of gumbo probably derives from its tangled roots.
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