tallest building 3.23   What is the tallest building in heaven?
  tallest mountain 0.99   Mount Kilimanjaro, the tallest mountain in Africa, came next.
  tallest player 0.86   He would be the tallest NBA player in history.
  tallest structure 0.46   In a home that is the tallest structure around?
  tallest tree 0.39   He was ten times taller than the tallest trees.
  tallest skyscraper 0.33   So head for the tallest skyscrapers.
  tallest boy 0.26   It was the only time in my life I was the tallest boy in the class.
  tallest man 0.26   Wadlow was the tallest man in the world.
  tallest office 0.26   The tallest office building in Europe is now the Commerzbank tower in Frankfurt, Germany.
  tallest peak 0.26   Mt. Makalu is the fifth tallest peak in the world.
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